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Benjamin Netanyahu Younger Brother

Yonatan Netanyahu: A Life of Courage and Sacrifice

The Life and Legacy of Yonatan Netanyahu

Yonatan Netanyahu was a commander in the Israel Defense Forces elite Sayeret Matkal unit. He was the older brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as Israel's prime minister three times. Yonatan was killed in Uganda during Operation Entebbe in 1976 while leading the rescue mission to free hostages held by Palestinian terrorists.

A Life of Service

Yonatan Netanyahu was born in New York City in 1946. He immigrated to Israel with his family in 1948. He joined the IDF in 1964 and quickly rose through the ranks. He served in the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. In 1976, he was chosen to lead Operation Entebbe.

Operation Entebbe

On June 27, 1976, Palestinian terrorists hijacked an Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris. The terrorists diverted the plane to Entebbe, Uganda. The terrorists demanded the release of 40 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the hostages. The Israeli government refused.

On July 4, 1976, Yonatan Netanyahu led a team of Israeli commandos in a daring raid on Entebbe Airport. The commandos stormed the airport and rescued 102 of the 106 hostages. Yonatan Netanyahu was killed during the raid.

A Lasting Legacy

Yonatan Netanyahu's death was a tragedy for Israel. He was a brilliant commander and a dedicated soldier. His sacrifice will never be forgotten.
